Sunday 21 July 2013

Final countdown ....

Eleven days to go until blast off on our charity ride which will take us from Southport, across the Pennines to Hornsea and the Humber Coast!

The last month has been a little bit of an anti-climax. An impromptu meeting with a taxi door knocked the wind out of our sails (quite literally) and dented confidence a bit. It was the first time I'd been hit and to be honest since it happened there has always been the fear that we'd now be riding with a target on our back. Got back out on the bikes today at long last, hoping that we'd shaken off the injury niggles sufficiently to ride with comfort. Only a short twenty miler in truth, but today wasn't about the distance, rather it was a bid to banish the monkey of doubt that had temporarily perched on our shoulders. Glad to report we got around without incident, though still a bit sore in truth; mission accomplished; even time for a quick photo in Hilton village.